Truth and freedom

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32

May 13, 2011

We Stand With Israel

Celebrating Israel’s 63rd Anniversary

“In 70 CE, the Romans destroyed the Temple and razed the city of Jerusalem, the religious and administrative capital of the Jewish people. Jewish independence came to an end, and in the decades that followed, most of the Jews in Eretz Israel were exiled.” [1]

The “United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 called for the partition of the British-ruled Palestine Mandate into a Jewish state and an Arab state. It was approved on November 29, 1947 with 33 votes in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions … The resolution was accepted by the Jews in Palestine, yet rejected by the Arabs in Palestine and the Arab states.[2]

Israel’s “Declaration of Independence” 63 years ago contains two central concepts, according to Paul Gross in the Jerusalem Post:
 “1) That Israel is the realization of the legitimate right of the Jewish people to a sovereign state of their own within the boundaries of their historical, cultural and religious homeland; 2) That that state should fulfill the moral imperatives inherent in Judaism, expressed by the ancient prophets and consistent with the modern principles of democracy and human rights.” [3]

Conflicts between Jews, Arabs and Persians (Iran) often involve UN Resolution 181 and Israel’s claim of Jerusalem as its capitol.  A Bible search revealed the word, “Jerusalem” 670 times in the Old Testament and 144 times in the New Testament.  Searches in 6 translations of the Koran yielded 0 references to Jerusalem.

Comparisons of the UN map of the creation of Israel [4] and the present-day CIA map [5] reveal additional land for Israel – land that was acquired in responses to wars waged by Arab countries and Israel’s victories in those wars.

Conflicts Between Israel and Arab Countries and Iran’s Agents

While distant as well as recent memories of wars and terrorist attacks on Israel leave an image of a besieged country fighting for survival, Paul Gross presents a more detailed impression:
“The war for the defense of the Declaration of Independence has two battlefields: here in Israel and abroad.  Living in the UK, I became aware of the routine demonization of Israel in public discourse; and of left-wingers setting aside their commitments to women’s rights, gay rights and religious and racial equality in order to scream anti-Zionist slogans alongside radical Islamists.

“I understood very quickly that this was indeed the new anti-Semitism; the ostracization of the Jewish state, the singling out of Israel – notable also in such august bodies as the UN Human Rights Council, which at each session has a permanent agenda item addressing only Israel’s alleged human rights abuses. The Council is routinely chaired by the likes of Gaddafi’s Libya and genocidal Sudan.

“Outside of Israel, fighting this demonization, delegitimization and double standard is to defend the Declaration: specifically, to defend the right of the Jewish people to a state of their own within the borders of their historic homeland.

“THIS WAS the battlefield I had been familiar with. Moving to Israel three years ago, I discovered that here, defining what it means to ‘defend the Declaration’ is perhaps less simple.

“Here, we must still protect Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state – diplomatically and, of course, militarily – but there is also an increasingly urgent need to defend the principle of “equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants.” [6]

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanahu recently addressed the threats to Israel and her stand for freedom:
“’The purpose of terrorism is to instill fear, to break you, and our answer to this, as it was always, is to refuse to succumb to fear … despite the pain, the nation should ‘find comfort in the revival of Zion, find comfort in building the country, find comfort in the Israel Defense Forces, find comfort in the hope that better days are ahead in which 'nation shall not take up sword against nation.’”
“Until that day, the prime minister said, ‘we shall strengthen our ranks and forge our weapons, as we have learned from our history that only if we are prepared to defend ourselves can we ensure our existence. We shall not tire nor shall we lose spirit. Thanks to our fallen loved ones we can stand up tall; thanks to their sacrifice our existence is guaranteed.’” [7]

Palestine, Settlements and Peace Process

“The Israeli-Palestinian conflict isn't territorial. It's existential. Israelis are now broadly prepared to live with a Palestinian state along their borders. Palestinians are not yet willing to live with a Jewish state along theirs.” [8]

Khaled Meshal, the leader from the terrorist organization, Hamas, as part of the Palestinian unity government, said about the current peace negotiations, that he “declined to swear off violence or agree that a Palestinian state would produce an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”  “Israel has blasted the Fatah-Hamas agreement as, in effect, bringing terrorists into the Palestinian government.” [9]

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, said, “… the United States would not accept a Palestinian government that included Hamas unless the group renounced violence, agreed to live by previous Israeli-Palestinian agreements and recognized Israel.” [10]

The US and the European Union designated Hamas as a terrorist organization that attacks Israel, refuses to accept previous agreements between Israel and Palestinian governments and rejects Israel as a legal entity. [11]

Islamic Fundamentalism

Ruel Marc Gerecht, in a review of two books, states that ours is “… a world where Islamic fundamentalism, a wickedly anti-Semitic movement, is the dominant intellectual force in the Middle East and among devout Muslim elites in the West.”

One author, Jeffrey Herf, reveals Nazi propaganda designed to inflame anti-Semitism on Arab Nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists.  The Nazis created Muslim SS units, broadcast racial hatred over shortwave broadcasts in Arabic and printed lies in various publications.

Herf quotes Saudi King Abdul Aziz al-Saud as saying at a dinner party,
“…It is the Jews who have always stirred up the religious differences between us. Where there was no difference the Jews created one. They are a dangerous and hostile race, making trouble wherever they exist. … we Moslems are aware of their machinations and we hate them from the depths of our being. Our hatred of this sinful and evil race is growing … until our one ambition is to slay them all.  Where we see them encroaching on us we Moslems will fight them and butcher them until we have driven them from our lands. Allah be praised we have no Jews in our kingdom and never shall we allow one Jew to enter it.”

Ian Johnson points out, “… the major Muslim organizations within Europe are all much more militant than ordinary Muslim denizens. … Most of them were born through the missionary activity of the Muslim Brotherhood, combined with cash coming from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.”  He contends that “…Islamic fundamentalism has been the dominant intellectual force in the Middle East since the 1960s.”

Mr. Gerecht concludes,
“President Obama appears determined to reach out to Muslims, to ally America with the anti-al Qaeda faithful against the holy warriors. But in doing so he would do well to remember the mistakes of the past. Obama boldly asserted in Cairo that he knows ‘what Islam is’ and ‘what it isn’t.’ Having spent five years investigating well-intentioned Americans similarly committed to engagement, Ian Johnson might politely answer: ‘Perhaps not.’” [12]

Sen. Gillibrand Condemns UN Durban III Conference Against Israel

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and 17 other senators, in a bi-partisan letter to US Representative to the United Nations, Susan Rice, called for the US to boycott the Durban III World Conference Against Racism.  Ms. Gillibrand’s December, 2010 letter states, in part,
“…Unfortunately last year the 2009 U.N. Durban Review Conference Against Racism (Durban II) proved to be a repeat of the 2001 controversial summit as extreme anti-Semitic voices took over Durban II, and the United States and our allies were forced to pull out. The United States had likewise withdrawn from participating in Durban I primarily because the conference was viewed as disproportionately focused on Israel and the United States. We are very concerned that Durban III will follow … once again as a forum for anti-Semitic and anti-American demonstrations.” [13]

Durban I, held in Durban, South Africa in 2001, a few days before 9-11, contained anti-Semitic and anti-American rants by speakers such as Yasar Arafat and Fiden Castro.  Durban II, in UN Geneva headquarters in 2009, opened with Holocaust denier Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad attacking Israel.

The condemnations against Israel by the UN Conference included charges of racism and of it being an “apartheid state.”  The documents produced by these UN meetings made no references to the civil rights abuses, killings and racism of any other countries.  No mention was made of the shaira law executions by stoning or decapitation of limbs of its victims[14], [15], [16].

Durban III is slated to be held at the UN in New York City in September, 2011. 

American citizens demand that President Obama stand strongly against the New York UN “hatefest” directed against Israel and the United States.

References available at:

Robert Rein -- May 11, 2011








[8] Stephens, Brett, “The Settlements Aren't the Problem”, Wall Street Journal, March 15, 2010









April 21, 2011

Who Is Van Jones?

Why is the New York State United Teachers Union
Hiding the Truth About Van Jones?

NYSUT’s recent curriculum publication, “Speak Truth to Power,”  (  )  focuses on 19 issues from Abubacar Sultan’s “Children’s Rights” to Kailash Satyarthi’s “Child Labor.”  Of the 17 countries represented, the only native-born US writer is Van Jones – his contribution is titled, “Police Brutality.”

The skimpy biography of Van Jones omits important information about his background – information that might alarm parents and teachers –information about a man whom most would want to shield their children from.

Jones earned his BA from the University of Tennessee and, in 1990, entered Yale Law School.  He was described as an “angry black separatist…wearing combat boots and carrying a Black Panther bookbag.”[1]

In 1992, while still a law student at Yale, Jones became a monitor at a protest rally in San Francisco at the Rodney King trial.  He was arrested and charges were dropped.  He writes about a conversion while in jail:
“I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical, communists and anarchists.  And it was like, ‘This is what I need to be part of.’  I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.  I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th.  By August, I was a communist.” [2]

“Revolutionary” Organization Leader
“Van Jones was a leader of Bay Area Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM)” [3] which was founded in 1994 and disbanded in 2002. [4]  The summary of the organization’s history unwittingly illustrates the futility of communism.  It was designed “as a loose cadre collective whose structure borrowed from both the anarchist and communist traditions,” [5] and had strict racist and gender quotas for the core and general memberships. [6]

The group studied organizational theories of Saul Alinsky, SNCC, Marx, Lenin [7] and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense.  [8]  It  “…came to believe that the central role of revolutionaries today is to help build ‘resistance struggles’ in oppressed communities around immediate reform issues and to use this resistance work to lay the groundwork for the development of a more clearly revolutionary struggle.” [9]

Anti-Cop Activism
Van Jones founded the Bay Area Police Watch in 1993 – “…a hotline and lawyer-referral service that began as a project of LCCR (Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights) and specialized in demonizing local police.” [10]  Shannon Bell said that the Police Watch group was, “basically a bunch of thugs keeping tabs on the police and reporting ‘abuses’ by law enforcement.” [11]

Support for Cop Killer
On December 9, 1981, Officer Daniel Faulkner of the Philadelphia Police Force stopped a driver in a Volkswagen early in the morning.  While attempting to handcuff the driver, another man, Mumia Abu-Jamal, came from across the street and shot the officer in the back.  “As Officer Faulkner fell to the ground, he was able turn around, reach for his own firearm, and fire at Abu-Jamal, striking him in the chest.  Abu-Jamal, now standing over Officer Faulkner, fired four shots at close range.  One shot struck officer Faulkner between the eyes and entered his brain.”  The officer died and Abu-Jamal was taken to the hospital. [12]

Mumia Abu-Jamal “…confessed in the hospital by saying, ‘I shot the mother f**ker, and I hope the mother**ker dies.’”  He was found guilty and sentenced to die – the death sentence was appealed and changed to life imprisonment.  [13]

Van Jones led more than 150 demonstrators through Oakland, California on October 7, 1999.  The group demanded “…that the Justice Department reopen its corruption investigation of the Philadelphia Police Department…after the Supreme Court…rejected claims that Abu-Jamal…did not receive a fair trial.”  [14]

The protest march disrupted and forced the cancellation of a police / youth dialogue event.  Van Jones said, “We knew there was another event going on, but the timing of the court decision is what dictated when the protest was held.” [15]  Insight from STORM’s document offers a different perception:
“In addition to studying theory and history, it is crucial that revolutionaries study current events….Studying the current conditions allows revolutionaries to understand the terrain on which they’re operating, what we’re up against and our strategic opportunities and challenges.” [16]

9-11 Truther
Van Jones resigned from his Green Jobs Czar position as appointed by President Obama in September, 2009, after it was revealed that Jones had signed a petition alleging that “high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the September 11th attacks to occur.” [17]

The ABC article reports that Jones claimed that he had not read the petition carefully before signing it.  Given that the man was a lawyer at the time and had a strong journalism background, his excuse contains an element of doubt.  In fact, Van Jones, has admitted to a propensity for manipulating perceptions about himself.  He said, “I’m willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends…” [18]  Whereas he once wore boots and carried a Black Panther bookbag, and had a full head of dreadlocks, he now wears suits and his pate is as shaven and shiny as Mr. Clean.

Elizabeth Kolbert, in a January, 2009, New Yorker article, described Van Jones talking to a group of 30 high-school dropouts in New Bedford, Massachusetts.  His motivational speech on the language level of the kids moved them.  After, he said to Kolbert, “That was my street rap…You get to hear my elite rap later on.” [19]  Kolbert reveals much about Van Jones and his ability to communicate on different levels to different groups from, as Jones would say, the street to the elite.  It’s curious, however, that she failed to mention the man’s communist identity.  Jones seems to have perfected a slick and persuasive  charm  as evidenced by the laudable comments Kolbert includes from Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Tavis Smiley, and Thomas Friedman to name a few.

What isn’t surprising is that Jones could claim to have been misled about including his name on the 911 Truther petition and that some would believe him.

Racist Comments
“According to Jones, America is plagued by ‘eco-apartheid,’ where low-income people typically live in more polluted environments than wealthy people.  In a January, 2008 speech, Jones said, ‘The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people-of-color communities because they don’t have a racial justice framework.” [20] 

While not surprising, it is a disappointment that President Obama would appoint a man with a background such as Van Jones has to a White House position – a man who is closer to the black power thinking of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Minister Louis Farahkan and Mumia Abu-Jamal than he is to the inclusive Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

NYSUT’s selection of a curriculum unit by a documented radical communist, anti-police activist, cop-killer supporter, 9-11 Truther and racist is appalling.  Our children deserve the truth – not the hidden agenda of a man who has proven to be a chameleon and who seeks to overthrow our government through revolution.

The document, “Speak Truth to Power,” is an affront to the values that we share and the principles expressed in the Constitution.  It undermines respect for the dedicated and professional police officers who maintain the peace and our safety and wellbeing.  Either NYSUT didn’t adequately investigate Van Jones or it may be that the leadership is sympathetic to the man and his causes.

In any event, NYSUT should withdraw the curriculum and either discard it or rewrite it with the Van Jones material deleted; and, local school districts should remove the offending documents from the schools.

This curious  photograph of Van Jones found in the "Speak Truth to Power" curriculum adds to the projection of a "Mr. Clean" image.

The Christian Look
The clerical-like collar and the cross would lead us to assume that Mr. Jones is a Christian.  The reality is that a Marxist-Leninist (see p. 19 of "STORM") cannot follow the teachings of Christ and claim allegiance to Him.

The "cadre" or "collective" demands compliance to the group.  
“Our style of work was also characterized by a high level of discipline.  By “discipline” we mean a willingness to subordinate one’s own needs and desires to those of the group.  We pushed ourselves beyond our fears and apprehensions…We also worked to overcome the individualistic and destructive tendencies that we were taught in this society.”
“STORM”, p.87

Overcoming those "individualistic and destructive tendencies" were necessary to enforce the conformity of the revolutionary movement.  Cult dominance of the individual whether in religion or politics is counter to the freedom found in Jesus Christ. "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."  Galatians 5:1
And, so, it would appear that the clerical collar and cross are merely props to deceive the unweary.
The Physical Affectations
The suit, bald and polished head, round-frame glasses and neatly-trimmed facial hair  convey a normal appearance and not that of a revolutionary.

The "Assuring" Pose
Van Jones' eyes and hands are posed to convey a message of peace and authority.  There seems to be the effort to lead us to believe that his wisdom is sufficient for us.

[1], “Van Jones”, p. 1
[2], “Van Jones”, p. 4
[3] Loudon, Trevor, “New Zeal”,…, p. 1
[4] “STORM” – available online at
[5] “STORM”, p. 9.
[6] “STORM”, p.9, 83, 84.
[7] “STORM”, p. 18.
[8] “STORM”, p. 54.
[9] “STORM”, p. 19.
[10],/printindividualProfile.asp?indi…, “Van Jones”, p. 2.
[11] Bell, Shannon, “Obama Green Jobs Czar Communist?  Van Jones Green Jobs Czar”,
[12], p.2
[13], p. 3, 4, 5
[14] SF Gate, “Timing of Protest Suspect,”
[15] Ibid.
[16] “STORM”, p. 65.
[17] “Controversial Obama Administration Official Denies Being Part of 9/11 ‘Trutrher’ Movement, Apologizes for Past Comments,”…, p. 1.
[18] “Van Jones”,, p. 4.
[19] Kolbert, Elizabeth, “Greening the Ghetto,” The New Yorker,…
[20], “Van Jones”, p. 4.

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